Born 11 November 1953 in Barcelona



Artherapy Workshop: Creative process as a map for self-knowledge.

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya. 



Annual monographic course in Serigraphy.

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya.



Annual monographic course in Serigraphy.

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya.


2007 - 2012

Advanced Vocational Training Program in Printmaking.

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya. 



Annual course in Lithography.

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya.



Annual course in Lithography. 

The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design (Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Arts Llotja or ESDA Llotja). Barcelona. Catalunya.


2005 - 2007

Permanent Massana.

Poble Espanyol. Barcelona. Catalunya.


2004 - 2005

Annual course in Intaglio Engraving.

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre. Barcelona. Catalunya


2003 - 2004

Annual course in Intaglio Engraving.

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre. Barcelona. Catalunya.


2002 - 2003

Annual course in Intaglio Engraving.

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre. Barcelona. Catalunya.


2001 - 2002

Annual course in Intaglio Engraving.

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre. Barcelona. Catalunya.


1990 - 1992

Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Research in Anthropology.

UAB. Barcelona. Catalunya.


1980 - 1985

Bachelor's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology.

UAB. Barcelona. Catalunya.


1969 - 1973

Pattern Design.

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre. Barcelona. Catalunya.



Periods spent abroad

    Paris. France.

    2011 - 2012

Erasmus École Superieure Estienne.

October 2011 – January 2012 


Hayter Course, Atelier Contrepoint.

November 2011 – January 2012   


Aguascalientes, México.

September 2010 – January 2011


Colour and Tradition” project development. Chalcographic engraving. Engraving atelier at José Guadalupe Posada Museum.


Other activities: teaching.


Hayter's method workshop (9 hours) given at Department of book arts in May. The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design. Barcelona. Spain.



Monotype Printmaking Workshop given at Artists' book fair, Art Libris. Barcelona. Spain.  


Other activities.


Project 20/20. Coordination. Barcelona – Aguascalientes.

Aguascalientes – México.




“The matrix / The stamp”

Ca l'Antiga. Teià, Catalunya.

Group exhibition.


“Art Med Exhibition”

BF4 Art Gallery. Barcelona, Catalunya.

Group exhibition.

Studio 46. Barcelona, Catalunya.

Group exhibition.

Tinglado. Barcelona, Catalunya.

Group exhibition.


“A Trace of Seas”

Taller Galería Fort. Cadaqués, Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.


“A bridge of current art”

Espai expositiu Lina Font.

Centre Cívic El Roure. Begues. Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.

13 works exhibited.


“40 years of paper Aquari”

Centre d'Artesania de Catalunya. Barcelona. Catalunya.

Group exhibition.



Juan Naranjo Galery. Barcelona. Catalunya.

Group exhibition


“ART. El Maresme de Ca l'Antiga”

Ca l'Antiga. Teià. Catalunya.

Group exhibition. 


“A morsel of moons"

Museu Enric Monjo, Vilassar de Mar. Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.

18 works exhibited.


“A morsel of moons"

Espai Carles Hac Mor. L'estació és allà... Cardedeu. Catalunya.

Solo exhibition. 

works exhibited.


“Of moons and craters”

Museu Arxiu de Llavaneres. Sant Andreu de Llavaneres Catalunya.

Solo exhibition. 

     14 works exhibited


“Of shadows and moons”

Galeria Tinta invisible. Barcelona. Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.

works exhibited.


“A morsel of moons”

Vallgrassa. Centre experimental de les Arts.

Parc del garraf. Begues. Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.

     6 works exhibited




Centre cívic Pere Pruna. Barcelona, Catalunya.

Group exhibition. 

28 works exhibited.


“Of moons and craters

Taller Galeria Fort. Cadaqués, Catalunya.

Solo exhibition.

works exhibited.


“FIG Bilbao. Print festival”

Galeria Espai 32. Pollença. Mallorca.

works exhibited.


    40 Miniprint de Cadaqués, 4 obras selecionadas.  

        Exhibited at:

 Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalunya (june - september 2021)

 Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, Regne Unit ( 31july – 5 September 2022)

Galerie L'Etangd'Art, Bages, França (november 2021– january 2022)



      40 Miniprint de  Cadaqués, 4 works pre-selected.

Exhibited at:

Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalonia (June – September 2019)

Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Catalonia (October – November 2020)


“A morsel of moons”

Artèria. Igualada. Catalunya. Solo exhibition.

19 works exhibited.


“I can't tell how many tears”

Artèria. Espai expositiu “ Llegim ….” Catalunya. Solo exhibition.

6 works exhibited.   



       23 Artists united for Taller 46

       Art Gallery Chez Xefo. Barcelona. Catalunya.

 5 works exhibited.


 39th Miniprint de Cadaqués, 4 works pre-selected.

Exhibited at:

Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalonia (June – September 2019)

Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Catalonia (October – November 2020)

Galerie L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France (November 2018 – January 2019) 

Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom (July – September 2019)

One of the works exhibited was short-listed.




       Marcs. Badalona. Catalonia. Solo exhibition.

 20 works exhibited.


 6th Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennal 2018.

 Trama Art University. 1 work exhibited.


 38th Miniprint de Cadaqués, 4 works pre-selected.

 Exhibited at:

 Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalunya (June – September 2018)

 Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Catalunya (October –   November 2018)

 Galerie L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France (November 2017 – January 2018) 

 Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom (July – August 2018)


 Shadows and Footprints

 Castell de Vilopriu. Empordà. Girona. Catalunya. 

 Group exhibition.

 15 works exhibited.




Artèria. Taller Fort. Cadaqués. Catalunya. Solo exhibition.

20 works exhibited.



Artèria. Igualada. Catalunya. Group exhibition.

7 works exhibited.



Pere Pruna Venue. Barcelona. Catalunya. Solo exhibition.

12 works exhibited.


37th Miniprint de Cadaqués. 4 works pre-selected.

Exhibited at:

Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalunya (June – September 2017)

Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Catalunya (October – November 2017)

Galerie L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France (November 2016 – January 2017) 

Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom (July – August 2017)



Taller 46.

La Cervatina d'Art. Cervera.Catalunya . Group exhibition.

1 works exhibited.



el 3 de Vilafranca del Penedès.Catalunya Group exhibition.

22 works exhibited.



Artèria Igualada. Spain. Individual.

24 works and one artist's book exhibited.


36th Miniprint de Cadaqués, 4 works pre-selected.

Exhibited at:

Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalunya (June – September 2016)

Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar,Catalunya (October – November 2015)

Galerie L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France (November 2016 – January 2017) 

Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom

(August – September 2016)




Pere Pruna Venue. Barcelona. Catalunya . Solo exhibition.

24 works exhibited.


Aqua fortis - Art on paper

Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition. 

6 works exhibited.



Igualada. Catalunya . Group exhibition.  

works exhibited.


35th Miniprint de Cadaqués, 4 works pre-selected.

Exhibited at:

Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Catalunya (June – September 2015)

Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Catalunya (October – November 2015)

Galerie L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France (November 2015 – January 2016) 

Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom (July – August 2015)



Arts Libris Fair.

Barcelona. Spain. Group exhibition.

One artist's book exhibited. 

Title: Mercados metafóricos.


Aqua fortis - Art on paper - Artist's book and graphic art.

Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition. 

4 works and one artist's book exhibited.



Igualada. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

works exhibited.



Near the Water.

Vinnart. Igualada. Barcelona. Catalunya . Solo exhibition



Artà. Mallorca. Catalunya . Group exhibition. 


Arts Libris Fair.

Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

One artist's book exhibited.

Título: Fear of Pain.

Collaboration in the group book titled Silk.


Aixopluc (Shelter).

Invisible Ink. Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition.

works exhibited.


Arts del llibre: edició 2012/13.

Nau u venue. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

13 works exhibited.


"Poemes gràfics: FOIX I ESPRIU al casal."

Casal de Barri Poblenou. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

works exhibited.



Arts Libris Fair.

Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition.


GRAVAdures mes art.

laFuturA. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

12 works exhibited. 


The Night of Art.

Palma de Mallorca. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

10 works exhibited.


Futur Excel·lent Fair. (Selection of the best projects)

Exhibition and Congress Centre (Pavellón de Ferias y Congresos). Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

works exhibited. 



20 / 20. Barcelona – Aguascalientes.

José Guadalupe Posada Museum. Aguascalientes. Mexico. 

Group exhibition.

10 works exhibited. 


Arts Libris Fair.

Barcelona. Catalunya . Colectiva.

Two artist's book exhibited.

 Title: Book for Estel.

 Title: Absence.



The Art leads / sur papier, Salle du Foirail.

Prada de Conflent. France. Group exhibition.



Perpignan. France. Group exhibition.


Around the silence.

Vila de Gràcia Cultural Centre, Barcelona. Catalunya. Group exhibition


Engraving Exhibition of four schools of art from Barcelona, on japanese paper Inshu.

Oviedo School of Art. Catalunya Group exhibition.


Barcelona/ Aguascalientes.

Aguascalientes. México. Group exhibition.


Farinera del Clot.

Exhibition on Japanese paper. Barcelona. Catalunya . 

Group exhibition.



Salle du Foirail.

 Prada de Conflent, France. Group exhibition.



Engraving Exhibition of four schools of art from Barcelona, on japanese paper Inshu.

Museum of Aoya, Japan. Group exhibition.



Engraving Exhibition of three schools of art from Barcelona, on japanese paper Inshu.

Museum of Capellades. Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition.


The Ashiya City Museum of Art and History.

Japan. Group exhibition.



Off Massana.

Agustí Massana Exhibition Hall, Barcelona. Catalunya .

Group exhibition. 

works exhibited.   


Off Massana (Selection of the best projects).

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre, Barcelona. Catalunya . 

Group exhibition.

18 works exhibited.

Engraving Exhibition of three schools of art from Barcelona, on japanese paper Inshu.

Museum of Aoya, Japan. Group exhibition.


Art print Market 38/Arches.

Sede de Avinyó de The Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design, Avinyó venue. Barcelona. Catalunya Group exhibition.



Off Massana.

Agustí Massana Exhibition Hall, Barcelona. Catalunya .

Group exhibition.

10 works exhibited.

Off Massana (Selection of the best projects).

Escola Massana. Art and Design Centre, Barcelona. Catalunya . 

Group exhibition.

10 works exhibited.



Engraving Exhibition.

Museum of Capellades. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.



Culture Hall. Caixa de Manlleu.

Sant Celoni. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

7 works exhibited.


Drop-down Art.

Marc de Vilalba library, Cardedeu. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.



Straight to the heart.

 Sant Jordi clinic. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

Vallgrassa, Time to Art.

Vallgrassa Experimental Centre of Art, Garraf. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.

Cultural centre.

Begues Town Hall, Garraf. Barcelona. Catalunya . Group exhibition.